Training & Racing Update: Week 3, Run Bike Streak

I’m actually pretty psyched to get in 24 miles last week. The miles were solely from walking until Saturday when I tried a little running. Running didn’t hurt too much but I didn’t want to take a chance and re-injure my ankle. Sunday I mixed a little bit running in and the ankle felt good. I biked 105 miles this week which was a big for me, and where I am in the training cycle for the White Mountain Triathlon (half IM distance); I hope it still happens on June 27.

Week 1 – 3, 100 mile training plan results

The big story: Run/Bike Streak Day 7 on Sunday. I ran/walked and biked for seven days in a row. I’m going to keep doing it to stay motivated – heck it worked to keep me going this week when the weather was crappy. It’s the little things in life sometimes.

My walks and runs over the weekend took me through St. Paul’s campus, one of the few places that is really green.

I’m slowly getting back to hiking since the uneven surface is tough on the sore ankle. Goldie had her second and third off-leash hike. She does great staying close but on the last hike wouldn’t come close enough for me to put her on a leash to get back to the car. After 10 minutes I walked back to the car, opened the door and she followed Winnie right in. Success or Failure. I’m not sure but I rewarded her for getting in the car. 

Trails aren’t as green yet, but close.

I drove to Rye to visit my parents and sat 6 feet away from my mom in the driveway. Sunday was an absolutely gorgeous day with a high of 77 degrees. It was nice to see my parents. Goldie was a little nervous for her first one hour drive in the car but did great over all. She needs to get used to car drives since soon we will be hiking in the White Mountains. Back in Concord it was nice to walk in shorts and a tee-shirt. 

Walking through the arches at the State Capital.

Are you watching The Last Dance? I am and it’s such a good documentary. Highly recommended.

Now it’s Monday and gearing up for work. It will be interesting to see more businesses opening this week. It’s been an wacky week and I can’t wait to see what happens. My plan is to run and bike everyday and more hikes with the dogs in Winant Park. Stay healthy my friends.