Full On Spring in Tennessee, Training Update

I’ve been comparing this year to 2019; a lot. 

2019 was my Golden Year, my dreams-come-true year. The Year that I accomplished so much, worked hard and realized a few things.

My Mantra for 2019 was: take  each adventure as it comes and be open to all possibilities. 

I need to remember this.

Reading through my 2019 journals I had dark days and great days. I was training, working hard and realizing some goals. 

In 2023, I have accomplished non-athletic goals and am trying to come to terms with aging, menopause and homeownership. All very difficult and similar to chasing an athletic goal. It’s about mindset but mindset training is very hard. 

But at the end of the day, I’m an athlete. I love to be outside. I love having dogs. I’m always looking toward the future, figuring out who I want to be and where I want to live. 

I still think I can do everything; and it still frustrates me when I can’t. 

The question isn’t can I have it all, the question is, what do I want that I can still have.

One thing missing in my life, which I’ve always had in every place I lived, is a Go-To place to walk with my dogs. I don’t have this right now. I have a fenced-in yard which is nice, but not a woodsy place to go. I have to drive 10 minutes to go anywhere. This is what I have to work on.

“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. Jeremiah 29:11

This month I said goodbye to my Subaru. It has been across the country twice, Colorado to Arizona twice. It got me to Tennessee safely and never let me down. 181,935 miles. You were a good car.

Spring in the Smokies, adopting dogs, running

Kassandra visited last weekend and we had an excellent time seeing all the sights: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, SkyLift Park, breakfast at 5 Oaks Farm, the knife shop and Harrisburg Covered Bridge. 

An added bonus, she got to meet Chet, my adopted pup. 

Getting Chet was a bit of an adjustment. I’ve been wanting a third dog for a year and now that I have the perfect house with a yard, I couldn’t wait any longer when the perfect black lab mix appeared at the Sevier County Humane Society where I walk shelter dogs on the weekend. 

Chet has been here almost two weeks and all his puppy traits are still on display: puppy belly, chasing Goldie around the house, endless energy and squishy skin. I love him. 

The trees and flowers are all in bloom and it is gorgeous here. The down side, Winnie-dog is itching and scratching like crazy, poor girl.

Now it’s time to get back to what I do: running, training, signing up for races. It’s a little late for the race coming next weekend but I’m still going to the UROCK race. It will be great fun to see the Blue Ridge Parkway and explore the south a bit. Once I’m back it’s getting ready for summer racing. 

The weather has been perfect in the 60s and 70s. We had a few 80 degree days but mostly 60s and in the high 40s in the morning. I’m heading out on a hike in the park this morning to check off a few more miles on my 900 miles in GSMNP challenge. Hopefully we will not run into any bears.

Tennessee Update: dogs, running and views

It’s been a crazy few weeks where I’m trying to figure out what I’m suppose to be.

Am I an ultra runner?

Well I ran today and back on a training plan.

Dog lover?

I’m taking care of my dogs and wanting a third dog so my young pup has a playmate.

Worker bee?

I love where I work and that is always a good thing for me.


Kassandra is visiting in a few weeks and I have a bunch of things to do such as buying a bed for the spare room. I can’t wait to see her and show her my place.

Kassandra at Nubble Light in Maine from her trip first trip to visit me.


Now that I don’t live in Gatlinburg it’s tough to hike in the park. Ugh the traffic but I have to get in the park and hike/run to get ready for my ultra running season.

It’s been such a transition this last 45 days and I’m finally figuring everything out.

Here are the things that make me happy and know I’m going to get through everything to meet training goals, have fun, do what I say I will do and explore the world.

Epic Racing Update, It’s March

I haven’t written a post for a while; it’s been crazy. Working, training, dogs and buying a house. All contributed to a lack of writing. 

Here’s the updated plan on completed races and what’s next:

I didn’t run for one week last week and this week has been a tough one too. Buying a house was the most stressful thing since moving to Tennessee. There was so much to do and I didn’t make time for running. There is still so much to do; it’s a bit overwhelming.

However, despite everything, training, racing and traveling is full steam ahead.

Race Report Houston Marathon:

It was a fun time to be in Houston. The weather was perfect and it was so good to connect with Mark, Brian and Shelly. It was nice to get out of town for the first time since moving to Tennessee. I was glad to finish and have a great meal with friends.

At the Houston Marathon Finish Line 2023.

Race Report Roaring Gap

My new friend Christal agree to join me on this adventure east to the mountains of North Carolina. The Roaring Gap race is touted as a tough trail run. It was no joke. The 50K is four loops and at the end of the day we did one loop plus a few miles when I took a wrong turn.

The trail is up, over and around Stone Mountain with gorgeous waterfalls and vistas. It was 100% worth the trip (3.5 hours in the car) to experience this place. Thank you to Christal who drove most of it.

I think we both agreed we don’t need to go back to this race, but then again, four loops may be calling us in the future.

Like I always say: everything is good, hard, fun, difficult, complicated. I am alway pleasantly surprised by the good people who come into my life and make it so much better.

Things That Make Me Happy During the Holidays

Here are the things that have made me so happy this week. As my friends know, I’m not into the holidays but I love holiday cheer; and year-round cheer. 

#1: People adopting dogs from a shelter

This week at the Sevier County Humane Society shelter my favorite dogs were adopted. People were also waiting in line to adopt the cute puppies that were available. There are so many more dogs and cats that need homes in Sevier County, and in your county. Please adopt and don’t shop. 

This cutey is available to adopt.

#2 Great weather for winter activities. 

I sure do miss skiing but the weather in Gatlinburg has been great for trail running; sunny and cool. I have no excuses not to get the training miles in. The Houston Marathon is four weeks away and I’ll be ready.

My new Altras for the race.

Twenty weeks until Leadville 100. I’m happy to be surrounded by mountains for great training opportunities.

Saturday’s Trail Run: Gatlinburg Trail to Old Sugarland Trail to Cherokee Nature Trail. 10 miles, 1,500 elevation gain.

#3 Friends who visit.

Mark is visiting during Christmas. He is my first visitor and I’m so excited to show him my new place.

Me and Mark

We will do all the touristy things like SkyLift Park, Great Smoky National Park, drink moonshine and eat ice cream. And we even get to do a 20 mile training run together. It’s going to be cold so he may be in a bit of shock. But hey – it’s the mountains. 

I know it’s only three things. But these three things are the best. Merry Christmas. 

Sound on…..