Moving on

What matters now and how will I get there now?

The greatest gift you have …. the new beginning in every second.

Get It Done video

Get It Done

I watch this every morning:

I want to bolder, better stronger every single year.

Every single day you wake up, you’ve got to set new goals, new benchmarks – raise it higher and higher to make your dreams come true.

Take ownership of your mistakes, your shortfalls, your problems.

And then take owner of the solutions that will solve those problems.

#getinspired #reachyourgoals

Bears in Concord

Reading the headlines today and saw this: [screenshot]

Where was I on Saturday morning? School Street is right next to my street.

An excellent article by David Brooks at the Concord Monitor said that more sighting of bears in Concord has been the norm but no human interaction. Thank goodness. “Eventually the ursine family wandered off, presumably into the nearby woods behind Concord Hospital.” Just where I love to run. See post where I ran into most likely that same ursine family.