Sunday Long Run, Procrastination

I love this quote from Beatrix Potter because I feel that way about most of my writing and especially writing this blog. Sometimes I write a few sentences in a doc and then paste it to WordPress and just see where it goes. 

Today I read a blog post from Heather, Relentless Forward Commotion. The first line of her post, Look Up, is this:

Once, I gave up drinking alcohol for forty days.

Talk about first words of a story and wondering where they will take you. I love reading her truth and so much of her post I can relate to. 

And this hits home too: 

We often hear the term “step out of your comfort zone’. But what happens when the uncomfortable becomes your comfort zone? When suddenly the mundane, “normal’ stuff is what makes you uncomfortable?

It’s 9:04 a.m. and I’m procrastinating. I have to run 28 miles today. I’m doing laundry, cleaning the house, writing this blog post and charging my watch – all while knowing I have to put on the running shoes and head out soon, very soon. I think it will take me about 5-6 hours. My adductor injury is acting up and I know this run is going to be painful and not fun. 

But the interesting thing is I’m still excited to run. I’m not exactly sure what route I will take although I know I will do an out and back, come back to the house, get more supplies and head out again in a different direction, all to get in 28 miles.

I’m excited to run because I can’t wait to see Marathon #2 on my Strava in my attempt to run 52 marathons this year. Meaning that I just need to run, all at one time, 26.2 miles, 52 times in 2020. 

I’m excited to run because I have some new songs on my playlist that I like to listen to. Some favorites include: Obstacle 1, Fix You, My Body, some Alanis Morissette and, don’t laugh, Dido. 

I’m excited to run because Heather’s blog post is giving me something to think about for a few hours and she reminds me that change is good.

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